RIMS System

      RIMS stands for Recirculation Infusion Mash System. It is a brewing system the incorporates a recirculating pump to maintain a stable temperature during the mash process. The RIMS tube consists of two tees with a 8" pipe between them. On one end is a K type thermocouple used to measure the temperature of the liquid and on the other is a low density electric heat stick like the ones found in water heaters. The other two ends contain camlock ends used to connect the tubes that feed the liquid from the pump through and back into the mash tun.

      As the liquid is pumped through the pipe, the temperature is measured and sent to a PID temperature controller. The heat stick is switched on and off rapidly in order to maintain a stable temperature inside the mash tun. This allows for repeatable and consistent brewing and will also increase the mash efficiency.

      If you want a more in depth look at how to build your own RIMS tube, check out the link below. This is what I based my system off and went to it many times during my build.

RIMS for Dummies - HomeBrewTalkForum

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